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Multiple Railguns may be added to a Cloudflare account. Only one registered and activated Railgun may be used per domain.

Railgun can be load-balanced and multiple Railgun daemons can be used per activated public IP and token. There is no need to register each Railgun daemon.

​​ Adding a Railgun

  1. Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard, and select your account.
  2. Go to Manage Account > Configurations > Railgun.
  3. In Enter new Railgun name text box, enter a descriptive title for your Railgun, and select Create.
  4. Within your Railgun configuration file, update activation.public_ip to the public IP (or a hostname which resolves to the public IP) of your Railgun’s server and set the activation.token to the activation key displayed on the page.
  5. Start the Railgun daemon so that it can proceed with activation.
  6. If everything went smoothly, the red icon will change to a green check mark after refreshing the page, and the Railgun can then be toggled on.
  7. If the Railgun fails to activate, check your logs for errors and contact support if the issue persists.

​​ Enabling Railgun

  1. Navigate to the Railgun page, and select the desired Railgun from the drop-down menu.
  2. Switch the toggle to On.

​​ Collecting and Reporting Statistics

Railgun can report statistics via syslog, JSON via an HTTP POST request, or through its own simple HTTP server when enabled. To enable statistics collection, start by setting stats.enabled to 1 within the main Railgun configuration file (railgun.conf). Then:

  • To enable syslog statistics reporting, set stats.log to 1.
  • To enable reporting via an HTTP POST request of JSON data to the specified URL, set stats.url to a valid URL. stats.interval determines how frequently (in minutes) stats will be logged or POSTed.

If stats.listen is set to a non-empty host:post string, Railgun will spawn a local HTTP server and listen on that interface awaiting a GET / HTTP request. The response will be JSON-encoded statistics. The statistics returned will change according to stats.interval. If the Railgun statistics port is not protected via a firewall, the host portion should be set to a loopback interface (like or localhost) to prevent external access. The following is an example response:

$ curl -v
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Length: 1191
< Content-Type: application/json
< Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2013 16:56:57 GMT
"bytes_retrieved": 2794091,
"conveyor_cleans_chunk": 1,
"conveyor_cleans_hasher": 1,
"conveyor_get": 0,
"conveyor_give": 0,
"conveyor_queue_chunk": 3,
"conveyor_queue_hasher": 29,
"conveyor_removed_chunk": 0,
"conveyor_removed_hasher": 0,
"conveyor_retained_chunk": 3212,
"conveyor_retained_hasher": 19468,
"conveyor_tuned_chunk": 753,
"conveyor_tuned_hasher": 1471,
"delta_compression_ratio": 6890,
"memstats.Frees": 51773495,
"memstats.Mallocs": 52696575,
"memstats.alloc": 128060840,
"memstats.heap_alloc": 128060840,
"memstats.heap_idle": 22933504,
"memstats.heap_in_use": 134352896,
"memstats.heap_objects": 923080,
"memstats.heap_released": 0,
"memstats.heap_sys": 157286400,
"memstats.lookups": 305636,
"memstats.num_gc": 133,
"memstats.pause_ns": 164422,
"memstats.stack_in_use": 3940352,
"memstats.stack_sys": 6160384,
"memstats.sys": 448807352,
"memstats.total_alloc": 5162978952,
"no_origin_response": 1,
"origin_retries": 0,
"requests_completed": 2455,
"requests_started": 2295,
"uncompressed_chunks": 2552,
"wan_bytes_sent": 2952019,
"wan_starts": 44