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Glossary entry

​​ Definition

A single term and corresponding definition in the glossary.

​​ Used in

Glossary, documentation pages, tooltips.

​​ Structure

​​ Data

The data underlying our glossary lives with YAML files in the /data/glossary/* folder.

Each file should be structured similar to the following:

productName: DNS
- term: active zone
general_definition: |-
a DNS zone that is active on Cloudflare requires changing its nameservers to Cloudflare's for management.
- Cloudflare One
- term: apex domain
general_definition: |-
apex domain is used to refer to a domain that does not contain a subdomain part, such as `` (without `www.`). It is also known as "root domain" or "naked domain".
- term: DNS over HTTPS
general_definition: |-
DNS over HTTPS (DoH) is a standard for encrypting DNS traffic, preventing tracking and spoofing of DNS queries.
- Cloudflare One
- term: DNS over TLS
general_definition: |-
DNS over TLS (DoT) is a standard for encrypting DNS traffic using its own port (853) and TLS encryption.
- Cloudflare One

Relevant values include the following:

  • productName string required

    • Core product associated with this file. Should always match the same formatting / styling used in associated_products.
  • entries object required

    • term string required

      • The glossary term itself.
    • general_definition string required

      • Definition of the term. Should be general enough to apply to multiple products. Should also start with a lowercase letter unless starting with a proper noun.
    • associated_products array optional

      • If the term is associated with other products. Any names used should correspond to the productName of that associated file.

​​ Usage

Because of the structured data associated with our glossaries, we can pull these terms into multiple places.

​​ Product-level glossary

A product-level glossary includes all terms associated with a particular product, which will pull in terms directly in that product’s glossary file and any terms that include the product in its associated_products.

title: Glossary
pcx_content_type: glossary
layout: wide
# Glossary
Review the definitions for terms used across Cloudflare's DNS documentation.
{{<glossary product="DNS">}}

​​ Glossary definition

Pull glossary definitions directly into your Markdown by using the {{<glossary-definition>}} component.

An active zone is a DNS zone that is active on Cloudflare requires changing its nameservers to Cloudflare’s for management.

Is a quoted definition that comes from:

{{<glossary-definition term_id="active zone" prepend="An active zone is ">}}

Properties are:

  • term_id string required

    • Should match a term within an existing glossary YAML file.
  • prepend string optional

    • Text to add before a definition.
  • length string default: long

    • If specified as short, will only pull the definition text before the first line break in the definition.

​​ Glossary tooltip

Pull component definitions into a focusable tooltip for a specific phrase by using the {{<glossary-tooltip>}} component.

Here’s a tooltip example.

Here's a {{<glossary-tooltip term_id="active zone">}}tooltip{{</glossary-tooltip>}} example.

Properties are:

  • term_id string required

    • Should match a term within an existing glossary YAML file.
  • prepend string optional

    • Text to add before a definition.
  • link string optional

    • Wraps the inner text in a markdown link, similar to normal markdown formatting.

Because of space limitations, the tooltip will always default to the short definition of a term, meaning the the definition text before the first line break.