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Rate limiting parameters

The available rate limiting rule parameters are described in the following sections.

​​ Parameter reference

​​ If incoming requests match

  • Data type: String.
  • Field name in the API: expression (rule field).

Defines the criteria for the rate limiting rule to match a request.

​​ Also apply rate limiting to cached assets

  • Data type: Boolean.
  • Field name in the API: requests_to_origin (optional, with the opposite meaning of the Cloudflare dashboard option).

If this parameter is disabled (or when the requests_to_origin API field is set to true), only the requests going to the origin (that is, requests that are not cached) will be considered when determining the request rate.

In some cases, you cannot disable the Also apply rate limiting to cached assets parameter due to configuration restrictions. Refer to Configuration restrictions for details.

​​ With the same characteristics

  • Data type: Array<String>.
  • Field name in the API: characteristics.

Set of parameters defining how Cloudflare tracks the request rate for the rule.

Use one or more of the following characteristics:

Dashboard valueAPI valueNotes
(implicitly included) (mandatory)
IP with NAT supportcf.unique_visitor_id
Header value of
(enter header name)
Cookie value of
(enter cookie name)
Query value of
(enter parameter name)
AS Numip.geoip.asnum
JA3 Fingerprintcf.bot_management.ja3_hash
JSON string value of
(enter key)
lookup_json_string(http.request.body.raw, "<key>")
(API only)
lookup_json_integer(http.request.body.raw, "<key>")
Body size
(select operator, enter size)
Form input value of
(enter field name)
(API only)
substring(<field>, <start>[, <end>])

The available characteristics depend on your Cloudflare plan. Refer to Availability for more information.

​​ Increment counter when

  • Data type: String.
  • Field name in the API: counting_expression (optional).

Only available in the Cloudflare dashboard when you enable Use custom counting expression.

Defines the criteria used for determining the request rate. By default, the counting expression is the same as the rule matching expression (defined in If incoming requests match). This default is also applied when you set this field to an empty string ("").

The counting expression can include HTTP response fields. When there are response fields in the counting expression, the counting will happen after the response is sent.

In some cases, you cannot include HTTP response fields in the counting expression due to configuration restrictions. Refer to Configuration restrictions for details.

​​ When rate exceeds > Requests

  • Data type: Number.
  • Field name in the API: requests_per_period.

The number of requests over the period of time that will trigger the rule.

​​ When rate exceeds > Period

  • Data type: Number.
  • Field name in the API: period.

The period of time to consider (in seconds) when evaluating the request rate. The available values vary according to your Cloudflare plan.

The available API values are: 10, 60 (one minute), 120 (two minutes), 300 (five minutes), 600 (10 minutes), or 3600 (one hour).

​​ Then take action

  • Data type: String.
  • Field name in the API: action (rule field).

Action to perform when the rate specified in the rule is reached.

Use one of the following values: block, challenge, js_challenge, managed_challenge, or log.

​​ For duration

  • Data type: Number.
  • Field name in the API: mitigation_timeout.

Once the rate is reached, the rate limiting rule applies the rule action to further requests for the period of time defined in this field (in seconds).

In the dashboard, select one of the available values, which vary according to your Cloudflare plan. The available API values are: 10, 60 (one minute), 120 (two minutes), 300 (five minutes), 600 (10 minutes), 3600 (one hour), or 86400 (one day).

Configuring the rule in the Cloudflare dashboard with one of the challenge actions will enable request throttling. With this behavior, you do not define a duration. When visitors pass a challenge, their corresponding request counter is set to zero. When visitors with the same values for the rule characteristics make enough requests to trigger the rate limiting rule again, they will receive a new challenge.

When using the API, you must set the mitigation_timeout value to 0 when the action is managed_challenge, js_challenge, or challenge. This will enable request throttling.

​​ With the following behavior

  • Data type: Integer.
  • Field name in the API: mitigation_timeout.

Defines the exact behavior of the selected action.

The action behavior can be one of the following:

  • Perform action during the selected duration: Applies the configured action to all requests received during the selected duration.
    To configure this behavior via API, set mitigation_timeout to a value greater than zero. Refer to For duration for more information.

    Chart displaying the action of a rate limiting rule configured to apply its action during the entire mitigation period
  • Throttle requests over the maximum configured rate: Applies the selected action to incoming requests over the configured limit, allowing other requests.
    To configure this behavior via API, set mitigation_timeout to 0 (zero).

    Chart displaying the behavior of a rate limiting configured to throttle requests above the configured limit

​​ With response type

  • Data type: String.
  • Field name in the API: response > content_type (optional).

Defines the content type of a custom response when blocking a request due to rate limiting. Only available when the rule action is Block.

Available API values: application/json, text/html, text/xml, or text/plain.

​​ With response code

  • Data type: Integer.
  • Field name in the API: response > status_code (optional).

Defines the HTTP status code returned to the visitor when blocking the request due to rate limiting. Only available when the rule action is Block.

You must enter a value between 400 and 499. The default value is 429 (Too many requests).

​​ Response body

  • Data type: String.
  • Field name in the API: response > content (optional).

Defines the body of the returned HTTP response when the request is blocked due to rate limiting. Only available when the rule action is Block.

The maximum field size is 30 KB.

​​ Notes about rate limiting characteristics

​​ IPv6 address handling

Cloudflare will consider entire /64 prefixes as the same IPv6 source address for the purpose of tracking the request rate.

​​ Use cases of IP with NAT support

Use IP with NAT support to handle situations such as requests under NAT sharing the same IP address. Cloudflare uses a variety of privacy-preserving techniques to identify unique visitors, which may include use of session cookies. Refer to Cloudflare Cookies for details.

​​ Incompatible characteristics

You cannot use both IP with NAT support and IP as characteristics of the same rate limiting rule.

​​ Do not use as a field in expressions

You should not use the characteristic (data center ID) as a field in rule expressions. Additionally, values may change without warning. For more information about this rate limiting characteristic, refer to How Cloudflare determines the request rate.

​​ Use a lowercased header name (for API users)

If you use the Header value of characteristic in an API request (with http.request.headers["<header_name>"]), you must enter the header name in lower case, since Cloudflare normalizes header names on the Cloudflare global network.

​​ Missing field versus empty value

If you use the Header value of, Cookie value of, Query value of, JSON string value of, lookup_json_integer(...), or Form input value of characteristic and the specific header/cookie/parameter/JSON key/form field name is not present in the request, the rate limiting rule may still apply to the request, depending on your counting expression.

If you do not filter out such requests, there will be a specific request counter for requests where the field is not present, which will be different from the request counter where the field is present with an empty value.

For example, to consider only requests where a specific HTTP header is present in the context of a specific rate limiting rule, adjust the rule counting expression so it contains something similar to the following:

and len(http.request.headers["<header_name>"]) > 0

Where <header_name> is the same header name used as a rate limiting characteristic.

If you use Cookie value of as a rate limiting rule characteristic, follow these recommendations:

  • Create a custom rule that blocks requests with more than one value for the cookie.
  • Validate the cookie value at the origin before performing any demanding server operations.

​​ Configuration restrictions

  • If the rule expression includes IP lists, you must enable the Also apply rate limiting to cached assets parameter.

  • The rule counting expression, defined in the Increment counter when parameter, cannot include both HTTP response fields and IP lists. If you use IP lists, you must enable the Also apply rate limiting to cached assets parameter.